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6 daily habits to lower your risk of cancer

Blog-img - 6 daily habits to lower your risk of cancerQuit the tobacco, and don’t start if you haven’t already

It should be common sense now that smoking or chewing tobacco can lead to multiple types of cancer. If you are trying to quit, you are not alone. Try joining a support group or making a plan for yourself to set goals for quitting. Facing addiction is hard, but not using tobacco can save years of your life.

Healthy diet

A healthy, well-rounded diet can do wonders for lowering your risk of cancer and overall wellbeing.  Cut out processed sugar and instead focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to help fight cancer. Other fish that can help reduce the risk of endometrial cancer in women include halibut, sardines and tuna. continue reading »